Students Join Psych Club

The psychology club at Arrowhead high school offers extra learning for student about psychology and covers topics not covered in class. Psychology club meets on the first tuesday of every month


Psychology club, or psych club, is run by Jennifer Brown, the AP Psychology teacher. Students join psych club by showing up to the first meeting in Brown’s room 189. The first meeting was on October 2nd. Students lined up outside the door at the first meeting.

Students absent at the first meeting can still show up to the meetings, but will not be put in the psych club system. The psych club system says that the students are a part of psych club.


“One hundred and thirty students showed up to the meeting, but only about 30 or 20 students stay in throughout the year,” Brown says.


Psych club members show up to meetings and cover topics not covered in class. Some topics covered in meetings include talking about disorders and regions of the brain. Brown says she is also working on bringing in guest speakers to the meetings to talk to the members. Guest speakers include a dog or art therapist and a hypnotist. Brown says things like personality assessments online are also popular.


Junior Abby Weisrock is excited to join psych club,”I joined psych club because I want to get more involved in school and Psychology is really interesting.”


Weisrock says she is most excited to meet new people in the field of psychology and learn about what they do.


Psych club offers opportunities for students to get more involved in social studies. One of the opportunities is the Rho Kappa, which is a smaller, social studies equivalent to the National Honor Society. The Rho Kappa offers opportunities for better understanding of social studies and offers community service hours for students. Psych club members get the chance to receive the Rho Kappa.


In order to be a part of Rho Kappa, students need a 3.5 GPA cumulative in social Studies classes, a 3.0 GPA overall in school, a social studies class taken each year, and they need to participate in psych club.