Boys Soccer Hosts Teacher Appreciation Night

Arrowhead boys soccer hosted a teacher appreciation night on September 30th for their game against Madison West. The JV game was at 4:30pm and the Varsity game was at 6:30pm. Around 7pm (at halftime) the team and spectators took a moment to recognize all of the AHS staff present at the game. 


Many sports teams at Arrowhead High School host a teacher appreciation night. Junior Josh Staus said this night was “especially special” because of how well the boys soccer team is doing. According to Maxpreps they are 8th in the state.


An email was sent to all the Arrowhead Professional Staff from Arrowhead math teacher and assistant varsity soccer coach Mark Leoni entailing the details of the game.


Leoni said in the email, “We would love for you to join us for a brief recognition at halftime of the Varsity game to show the dedication and support you show to our student athletes to help prepare them for success now and in the future.” 


Attached to the email was free admission to the game, along with a coupon to a free hot dog, popcorn, and soda.


Even though the weather was on the chillier side (36 degrees), gym teacher Emily Martin said the game was very enjoyable.


Staus said, “The night was a big success and he was glad to have the stands packed for such an important event.” He has been very proud of his team this season and happy that they’ve been doing so well.

Here is a link to see more information about the team.