Club Feature: Arrowhead’s Gay Straight Alliance

Nick Pflieger, the South Campus school psychologist, has been advising the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) for the past four years.  For the ten years prior to that, the South Campus school psychologists had run the club. 


When Pflieger started in this job position, there was an opening as GSA advisor. Pflieger says he “was very excited to be given the opportunity.”  


As an advisor, Pflieger leads the club’s meetings that include discussing issues the LGBTQ+ community faces, and how to deal with them personally, as well as how to help others feel safe and more comfortable with themselves.  They also discuss ways to keep students engaged in the club and its message and how to stay involved.


Pflieger says, “This year, one of the best things that came from that was the opportunity for our club to lead some sessions during the staff professional development day in October.”


The club is also leading a follow-up professional development day in January.


“Mr. Pflieger does a really good job and he is really good at organizing things with other staff members,” says Katherine Daniel, a member of GSA.


On November 10, many Arrowhead students, alumni, and parents attended the school board meeting to address issues regarding LGBTQ+ students and its effect on their general well-being and ability to feel safe at school.  Pflieger says he is proud of those students and expresses gratitude that there are people who will support the community.


Pflieger’s desire to partake in the club is partially due to his own high school experience.  He was closeted and did not feel comfortable to come out.  


He says, “A big part of that was the fact that LGBTQ students and staff weren’t visible at that time and so it felt very isolating. Because of that, I feel like it is so important for the LGBTQ community to be seen and heard and doing that through GSA is pretty cool.”


Another way to help the LGBTQ+ community, Pflieger says, is to stand up against discrimination and bullying. This can be done by saying something (Here is a link to Arrowhead’s Speak Up/Speak Out survey) in the moment or bringing it up to an adult.


Pflieger says that in a typical year, student participation in the club is stronger towards the beginning and phases out as the year goes on.  However, about 20 students have been attending regularly this year so far.

Anyone interested in joining GSA should stop down in Pflieger’s office or send him an email to [email protected]