Results of 2021 AHS Student Food Drive

An email sent out to AHS staff and students on November 20th by North Campus Associate Principal Becky Gordon gave updated information regarding the Food Drive, including the winners. 


Student Senate provides opportunities to students to express leadership skills, get involved with the community like putting on the blood drive, and have fun with friends.  Student Senate organizes events such as homecoming activities, annual blood drives, giving/food drives, and prom. Student Senate allows students to advocate and give back to the community through service work.


Gordan said, “Student Senate would like to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped with and donated to this year’s Food Drive. The amount of food received was overwhelming in a fantastic way.”


Student Senate compliments the winning teacher’s classroom by having a donut party Tuesday during the third period. The North Campus winners are Math teacher Mark Leoni and Chemistry teacher Cammy Ley. South Campus winners are Dale Destache and Rick Witte. 


Ley says that she offered a partner quiz to those who brought in at least five items of food. A number of students brought in a few dozen items.


In the email Gordon thanked school psychologist Kevin Lewandowski and the Interact students who helped in the food drive. The students separated the food into categories and got rid of any food that was expired. She also thanked the Student Senate members who stayed after school to count and collect the food drive items. 


Senior Cara Wellentin said, “I think the food drive is a great way to give back to the community. It is a great thing to donate to, especially during the Holidays.”