Changes and challenges for the Niche Club

In 2002, the Niche Club was created at Arrowhead High School. Leah Cull, an Arrowhead staff member, created the Niche Club. 


Lori Barbee, a family and consumer education teacher, is the current Niche Club advisor.


This September, the Niche Club opened for the 2020-2021 school year. The Niche Club is about bringing people together that like to make things for themselves and others and learn new skills. 


Barbee said, “Niche Club was created to give students a creative outline to learn  new skills that might not have been covered in the design and clothing classes.” 


The Niche Club was created as an extracurricular activity that would strengthen the current family and consumer education program.


Barbee said, “Students are invited to sign up during freshman orientation in January during their eighth grade year…However students may join Niche Club anytime during any year they are here at Arrowhead.” 


Niche Club had their first meeting in September. The Niche Club meets from 2:45 p.m.until 4:00 p.m. twice a month on Tuesdays and they have two meeting locations: South campus room 905 or North campus room 200.


Barbee said, “We are operating similarly to the way we have in the past. We are not sharing group snacks as we had in the past. We are making sure to wear masks and a six feet social distance. We have fewer members than in the past.”


When the Niche Club meets up students learn new skills such as box making, knitting, pumpkin painting and cookie baking.


 One of the new activities for the Niche Club this year was cross stitching.