Should Teens Be Driving?


Jack Reinders and his drivers license

American teens view getting their license as a good thing. It means freedom, and not always having to rely on other people to get around. It means a new responsibility and it is another step forward towards adulthood. But what if students abuse this privilege?

According to, teens aren’t good drivers. 16 year olds have a higher crash rate than any other aged drivers. Fifty Six percent of teens say they talk on the phone while they are driving. And one in five 16 year olds get in an accident within their first year of driving.

So why do parents let their kids drive? In an article “Reasons To Let Your Teen Drive” it says that teens should absolutely learn to drive when they will actually be better drivers if they start at the age of 16 than if you make them wait until they are 18.

But how do teens feel about driving? Ellie Artone, a sophomore driver at Arrowhead says, “I’m comfortable with driving, but I need to be paying attention because anything can happen when I’m on the roads.”

Russell Heintz, a sophomore at Arrowhead says, “I enjoy my freedom, I can drive wherever I want without having my parents take me.”

To the teens driving is a sense of freedom and responsibility. But, it is still possible to get in an accident even if they are a good driver.