Should Study Hall Change Their Rules?


Students in senior study hall

Arrowhead study halls are for students to work on homework and class assignments during the day. All the students that have study hall at south are divided up into two big classrooms to work. The students are expected to be on time, sit in their assigned seat and to be quiet.

Outside of the study hall rooms at South Campus is a library where twenty kids from each study hall get to go out to get more room and to work. In the library, students can’t eat or have their phone out but, they can talk.

Mrs. Macy a librarian at South Campus says, “Students are expected to sign in at the front desk and to then go find a seat. They can talk, however, they can’t have their phones out and they have to be working on school related activities.”

Students are seated three at a table and there are sections for students to sit alone.

But some students say there is a problem with this system. Specifically, if a student in study hall needs to work on a project where he or she needs to talk to a friend to get help on an assignment, they can’t. How can students get help on their assignment? Well, they could have gone out to the library you might think, but teachers can only let twenty students out, and if the students don’t make it out, they are out of luck.

Sophomore student at Arrowhead Emma Quinn says, “I’m frustrated with the way the system works, because it doesn’t work at all. It would just be much nicer if we could actually work as partners in study hall. It makes the school much more efficient and a better system overall.”

Study halls are a time for students to get work done, but in some cases, they can’t get it done without talking to a partner. People can see where this might get frustrating. Shouldn’t the study hall be a place where student’s can talk to one another to work on projects and the library be a place of silence? After all, it is a library.

Kenzie Luterbach, a sophomore at Arrowhead, says, “It is absurd that students aren’t allowed to work together in the study hall. It blocks my ability to learn and work with others.”

“I think that people should be able to talk in study halls. If I need to get something done with a partner, I should be able to communicate with them if I have to, I shouldn’t have to rely on being lucky and having the both of us make it out to the library. If there are students that want peace and quiet they should be able to go to the library. After all, that’s what libraries are known for,” says Ellie Artone, a sophomore at Arrowhead.