Trivia Crack: Is it Truly Addictive?

Trivia Crack: Is it Truly Addictive?

Trivia Crack is a free online trivia game that was released by the Windows Play Store on October 26th, 2014, and has become viral at Arrowhead High School. There are six categories to test a player’s knowledge. The six categories are history, sports, entertainment, geography, art, and science.


The reason Trivia Crack was designed is to “pass the time.”


According to the company credited with the creation of the game, AWORDED, they did not expect for anyone to know all the answers to the questions provided in the game.


At Arrowhead, junior Justin Gaal reported seeing his “entire Brit Lit class was playing Trivia crack. Everywhere I turned there were people asking each other questions.”

“I even got my mom hooked on Trivia Crack,” said senior Julianne Dyke.


The overall point of the game is to try to guess what the correct answer is or that a person just knows the correct answer.


Frank Balistreri, retired English teacher, played the game and his opinion of it was, “I think trivia should be something that a person remembers and not a statistic,” He disliked the fact that there are totally bizarre questions that, “no one in the world could answer”, and that the game should be more suitable for the common adult or student.


So does it poses a problem here at Arrowhead?


Janella Hobbes, a mathematics teacher at Arrowhead, stated that when the game first came out, it was not too much of a problem, but by the second or third day, her classes were commonly disturbed by the game alerts, which alert the player when an opponent has chosen the wrong answer or that a game has ended.


There are few students who dislike all the hype that is this new game.


“After a while, it tends to get boring, mostly because I lose my lives,” said senior Hannah Ruegger.


Suggestions have been given that could make the game could be better. For example, giving unlimited lives and to eliminate the “boring music.”


“Trivia Crack is how I spend my study hall,” said junior Isabella Pip.