AHS Students Win Big for Good Behavior


Alicia Obermann, a south campus math teacher, helped organize and run The Arrowhead Way raffle

The Arrowhead Way encourages students to be appropriate, be respectful, and be responsible. To help encourage kids, The Arrowhead Way puts on a raffle, once per semester. The raffle is for kids who have exceptional behavior or good attendance. Prizes are awarded during the lunch hours.

A random raffle is done each semester and students can enter up to three tickets in each raffle. In order to receive a ticket, students must qualify in one of the following areas: perfect attendance, no unexcused absences, and no behavioral referrals. Students have two days to collect their raffle tickets and on a Friday at lunch, the prizes are awarded. Their names are called to the table where the prizes are.

Alicia Obermann, a south campus math teacher, is also a coach in the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support program. PBIS promotes good behavior for the student body. The Arrowhead Way is a part of PBIS.

According to Obermann, “Some of the prizes you could win are Summerfest tickets, Culver’s meal baskets and Scoopie coupons, Marcus movie tickets, Admiral’s tickets, Milwaukee Buck’s tickets, Piggly Wiggly t-shirts, Half-Price book gift cards, Songbird Hill Golf Course 18- hole golf vouchers, Falbo Pizza [gift card], Asiana [gift card], Cafe Arrowhead cookies and AHS Yo-Mama frozen yogurt [gift card].”

The prizes awarded are either purchased by the school or donated by the community organizations.

Overall, 56 students were awarded prizes in the raffle this semester.

Karley Adams, a sophomore, says, “I won a bowling gift card for $10 to Subset Bowling and I just entered to win.”

Adams says, “I feel these prizes are awarded more for attendance rather than behavioral things.”

Another winner, Callie Tjarksen, also a sophomore, says, “I received a gift card for $20 for Asiana and I was able to enter into this raffle because I had no behaviors referrals. This encourages me to have better behavior because I can win something for free.”

Many prizes are awarded, but Tjarksen says, “I would prefer to get the Summerfest pass gift card.”

Adams says, “Yes, I think this is a good idea because it motivates kids to have good behavior and follow the rules.”

While Tjarksen says, “I think it is a worthwhile idea because it encourages better behavior from students.”