Arrowhead Creates a Technology-Rich Learning Environment

Starting next school year, Arrowhead High School is creating a Technology  rich learning environment. This means that each student will be required to bring their own device to school to use during the day.

Many of the Arrowhead feeder schools already require their students bring their own devices.

The students must bring a device that can hold at least a five hour charge, the device should have 16 GB storage and 2 GB RAM, the minimum screen size 9.5 inches and it is recommended that the device has warranty.

Arrowhead High School feels that this will allow students to work with a device configured to meet his/her personal needs, better prepare them for beyond their high school career, and it will also allow teachers to  employ online textbooks.

Austin Konen, a junior at Arrowhead High School said, “I feel that this is a bad idea because not everyone has enough money to afford a device to bring to school.”

Arrowhead will help supply laptops for students and families who cannot afford one.

Konen said, “The risk for students to lose or get their laptop stolen is at high risk when bringing them to school.”

Konen also said, “I do not feel that this will prepare us for college.”

Arrowhead will be providing charging lockers where the students can lock up their devices and charge them.

Maiya Whelan, a sophomore at Arrowhead High School said, “I think that the new technology requirement is a good idea for the students. It will make things easier when working on projects at home and at school.”

Whelan also said, “This will prepare us for college because this is exactly how it will be in college. Everyone will have their own device. I am excited for next year. ”