Was Winter Break Too Long?

Winter break is a break every student looks forward to and makes plans ahead of time to get together with family and friends for a great Christmas and New Year.

Junior Emily Parr says, “I was so excited for winter break and all the plans that will be fulfilled.”

This year’s winter break ended up being more than everyone expected. Along with all the exciting things that happened, some students thought they would just extend their break by taking off Thursday and Friday so they could have a full two weeks.

For the students that that took off, they had a chance to take off Friday and not have it count towards the amount of days they can actually take off. Thursday everyone was notified about a bomb threat at Arrowhead High School found in the bathroom.

800 students did not attend school because they most likely felt unsafe. Thankfully there was no bomb threat and the school went as normal.

Before school ended Friday most students became aware of the freezing temperature that could occur Monday and by Friday night it became official that there would be no school Monday.

Senior Jack Dambeck, says “Taking off Thursday was pretty nice so I could extend my break, and Friday seemed to be unsafe. It was amazing to find out that we had Monday and Tuesday off. With such a long break we had I’m glad to be back and get ready the spring.”

It’s been a while sense Arrowhead students have been back to school, but were here and it’s now it’s time to make the best of it. Just like Dambeck, I am to looking forward to the warm spring break.