The New Foreign Students Arrive at Arrowhead

There are five foreign exchange students this here at Arrowhead High school this year.

A boy from the Faroe Island, two girls from Germany, one girl from Finland, and the last girl from Brazil.

Arrowhead has hosted these foreign students for 50 years.

Foreign exchange students come in August before school starts and spend time with their host family and get used to the area. They often take trips around Wisconsin.

Pat Downing, a teacher and the head of the International at Arrowhead said via email, “Also many (Foreign Exchange Students) participate in sports and clubs while they are here. Very few places in the world offer sports at their schools.”

While they are in school, Foreign Exchange Students must take a math, science, and English class. Other than those three classes, Foreign Exchange Students can choose any of the  open classes.

Many foreign schools do not offer classes such as Art, Broadway, Engineering, Woods.

The year spent at Arrowhead does not count towards their graduation in the country that they are visiting, so many have more years of schooling when they get home.

Arrowhead allows five to eight students in their Foreign Exchange program.

“It is an incredible opportunity for our students to become good friends with the foreign students,” Downing said.

There is a club at Arrowhead that the foreign students and non foreign students can do participate in.

They carve pumpkins, watch movies, go on trips to different cities, and even go to some sports games.

“They have a safe place to stay here and often all expenses are picked up by the foreign students family to thank Arrowhead for doing this for their child,” Downing said.