The School Prepares for Winter
Now that Halloween has passed, the next thing on people’s minds is Thanksgiving and Christmas. And you know what that means? Winter has arrived. That means its time to start making food, finding the best deals for presents, and hanging out with the family. In between all of that is snow.
Senior Thomas Mccormick says, “I like snow because there is many wonderful things to do in the snow. This is my favorite time of year. I like to sled a lot.”
Senior Jack Dambeck has mixed feelings: “I really hate having to start my car early and let it defrost, but I am excited for snowboarding and ski club.”
Many students here at Arrowhead participate in Ski Club.. The highlight of the year for most Ski Clubbers is the Michigan Trip, spanning a weekend and giving the kids a chance to ski on some much larger slopes. Not all students are looking forward to the winter season, however. According to our survey, 9 out of 17 students here at Arrowhead are not looking forward to the big snow.
Senior Arlo Ennis says, “Snow sucks after about two weeks. It makes the roads slippery, and I have to scrape my car every morning.”
Even though that could be true for some people, some janitors might think the opposite.
Janitor Chet Tescher says, “I think this is the most exciting time of the year with all of the activities. It’s nice to see students using the building.”
According to the janitorial staff, many of the preparations required for the snowfall are already taking place. Including, stockpiling road salt, getting the plows in order and preparing for the daily clearing of the campus infrastructure. Even with all this added work in the winter, most of the Janitors actually prefer the winter season.
Tescher says, “I actually like having more to do throughout the day. We are here the same amount of time everyday, might as well have things to do.”
Last year’s snowfall was not as bad as what it’s usually like in Wisconsin, and we really don’t know what to expect this year. But as for now it’s time to get through the holidays and do our best to enjoy the snow when it comes.