AHS Bathrooms Get Revamped

Remodeled bathroom at South Campus

The bathrooms, one of the most used facilities at school, and have been undergoing changes.

Senior Sam Sellner says “I wish they had dividers on the urinals, but besides that I think they are pretty good bathrooms.”

Senior Jack Dambeck says, “I don’t know what its like now, but when I was a freshman/sophomore, South campuses bathrooms were getting pretty old.”

According to Kevin Lipscom, “The bathrooms at North Campus have been the same since the building was constructed.”  The same goes for the South Campus ones as well, except for two bathrooms, which were remodeled over the summer. These new restrooms are more efficient, more modern and cleaner. The new bathrooms use state of the art motion/sonar detection to control the lighting, a new plumbing system, and even urinal stalls.

It is not just the bathrooms themselves that are being revamped. At the end of the school year, the Administration plans on reviewing their contract with Kimberly Clark for the bathroom appliances/dispensers.

The Director of Buildings and Grounds, Kevin Lipscomb, says they have had several other brands of dispensers speak with them about possibly taking up the contract, one of which was Lakeland Supply. According to Lipscomb, they consider efficiency, durability and cost when looking into new products.

Senior John Widish says, “It is nice to hear that the administration is continually looking to improve something that we use daily.”