Warhawk Arcs and Sparks experience provided for staff in metals/engineering department

The Warhawk Arcs and Sparks experience allows for adults to come into the AHS shop and manufacture a metal bird house and a key rack.


Students Colin Wright, Evan Bartleson and Jack Ganos created the Warhawk Arcs and Sparks experience to involve the AHS staff, the parents and the community in a safe, fun and educational way. A trained

instructor is running the event.


This event will be hosted on May 14th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. and on May 15th from 9:00 a.m.-noon.The cost to attend this event is $75 per person. There is an online Sign up sheet.


Materials that will be used to create the steel bird house and the key rack include a CNC router, table router and a drill press. 


People are still able to register for the Warhawk Arcs and Sparks experience before May 14th and May 15th.


The proceeds of the Warhawks Arcs and Sparks experience will go to the Warhawk Manufacturing scholarship fund.


The trained instructor will walk people through the process during this event.


Students in fifth grade and older are welcomed to attend this event.


This event was created with lots of planning and discussions with students.


Anthony Christian, an AHS Warhawk Manufacturing teacher said, “As an instructor, I have heard the following phrase: I wish I could sign up for that course, it sounds fun and interesting! This is a method to grant that wish. Our hope is that this event lays the foundation for more to come like it.”