HOSA Blood Drive February 25th, 2021
On Thursday, February 25th, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA): Future Health Professionals members put on a blood drive. It was held at The Church of the Resurrection on North Shore Drive in Pewaukee.
It was not held at Arrowhead to keep people other than staff and students out of the building. The blood drive was held through the American Red Cross from one o’clock in the afternoon to six o’clock that evening.
If interested in Donation, participants were asked to schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-REDCROSS, or by visiting redcrossblood.org and enter the sponsor code: COTR.
An email sent out by Brenda King, to staff members on Monday, February eighth outlined the event and included links to informative flyers for the blood drive.
HOSA members helped to promote the blood drive and recruit donors. By volunteering, members played a role in temperature checks as well as helping at registration and snack stand.
The informative flyer noted that donors received both a free COVID-19 antibody test as well as a five-dollar Amazon gift card which was sent to the participant’s email, this was Amazon’s way of saying thank you to donors; it ran February 1-28th.
Donations and participation in this event also supported scholarships for graduating Arrowhead seniors. HOSA supervisor Brenda King says, “This will not be determined until later this spring, but on average we may have 4-6 seniors who qualify for $250 or more in scholarships.”
As of right now, there are no more blood drives planned for this year. However, Brenda King mentioned, “…there are some members who are looking for more opportunities through HOSA, so they are stepping up to coordinate and run their own drives which will be happening in May/June.”