Students Recognize Women in History

This March is international Women’s month, and Arrowhead’s Girl Up is raising awareness for  important Women in history. 

Around the school, members of Girl Up have put notes on lockers with quotes from women in history, such as Rosa Parks and Jeannette Rankin.

Lexi Morgan, a junior here at Arrowhead said, “Rosa Parks is definitely one of the most influential women of history to be, I admire her bravery and constant strength to stand up for what she believed in.” 

Other students have different opinions on the most influential women of history.

Jackie Peddie, also a junior at Arrowhead, said, “I think the most important woman in history is Jeannette Rankin. She was the first woman to be elected in congress. She joined her state’s suffrage organization and spoke out about women’s suffrage. She was the only woman to vote against the U.S participating in both World Wars and served as an officer for the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. She campaigned for maternal and child health care and the regulation of hours wages for women workers.”

Arrowhead’s Girl Up, has also started naming two different important women of history each week this month in the morning announcements. 

Lauren Webb, a junior at Arrowhead said, “I think that it is most important to recognize the growth and importance of women in history because it shows how women went from being silenced/not as good as males to now becoming empowered +more, and even just announcing that is a good start to recognizing it.” 

Arrowhead’s Girl Up is challenging students to recognize more important women in history, as well as recognizing gender stereotypes and challenging them just as women in history did. 

Peddie said, “If you see something that doesn’t sit right with you, whether its racism, bullying, sexism, etc, speak your mind. If people have a problem with you speaking up for something, they aren’t very good people, so don’t worry.”