Veterans donations with RHO Kappa

RHO Kappa hosted a donation collection to help support local veterans. The donation collection happened during February 2021 in some of the social studies classrooms at North Campus. 


The RHO Kappa donation collection was created by RHO Kappa members and all Arrowhead students were asked to participate.


Nate Flesh, a social studies teacher said, “We had a donation collection where students could contribute however much they wanted. We collected over 50 dollars in donations and we collected two cans of food.” 


The advisors for RHO Kappa for the 2020-2021 school year are AHS social studies teachers Beth DesRosiers and Flesch.


Flesch said “The RHO Kappa donation collection was created to serve as a fundraiser event.” 


A past activity that happened in 2019 was the Veteran’s Day breakfast that RHO Kappa hosted to honor local veterans. RHO Kappa also hosted a choir and band performance during the Veteran’s Day breakfast that they hosted in 2019.  


RHO Kappa was not able to host the Veteran’s Day breakfast and do the fundraising for the Veteran’s Day breakfast last year due to COVID. The Veteran’s Day breakfast was hosted in 2019 and past years in the South Campus lunch room on Veteran’s Day morning. 


Ella Schmit a senior said, “I think that the Veteran’s Day breakfasts and the different Veteran’s day initiatives are the largest and most important part of RHO Kappa. Every year the students in RHO Kappa find a way to donate to, write letters to and give gifts to veterans in our community.”


Another past activity that happened last week was a movie night hosted by RHO Kappa where two social studies related movies were watched.