RHO Kappa Hosts Movie Night
On February 4th, 2021, there will be a movie night hosted by RHO Kappa. The movie night for RHO Kappa will happen after school in room N193 or students can attend virtually.
Ron Reichle, an AHS staff member, started the RHO Kappa club for Arrowhead. The movies that will be shown on Feb. 4 will be Harriet and National Treasure.
Sign up for this activity is on a Google form on all of the students social studies teachers’ Canvas pages.
The 2020-2021 advisors for RHO Kappa are AHS social studies teachers Beth DesRosiers and Nate Flesh.
RHO Kappa acknowledges excellence in the Social Studies field.
DesRosiers said, “The Social Studies department at AHS started RHO Kappa because we wanted to recognize passion for Social Studies and give students an opportunity to participate in a nationally recognized program to promote social studies. The department discussed criteria and came up with requirements for membership. Students applied in the spring of 2013 and those who met the requirements were accepted to membership in the fall of 2013.”
Seniors and juniors are able to sign up for the RHO Kappa club.
DesRosiers said, “I enjoy being the advisor because my students share my interest and commitment to social studies.”
DesRosiers says there might be a service event that will be done after the RHO Kappa movie night. It is still being decided on.
Allison Beneker, a senior said, “I enjoy being a RHO Kappa member because I have a passion for Social Studies and being a leader in the club allows me to instill that passion in others while having an impact on the community.”
RHO Kappa members will also continue working on their Day in History and multicultural announcement slides.
Addison Burkhart, a senior said, “I like RHO Kappa because it combines my passion for social studies and today’s world.”