Arrowhead’s Girl Up Club Fights Against Gender Discrimination

Arrowhead’s Girl Up Club is a club that stands up for gender discrimination within our schools and connects with other Girl Up groups to make a difference all over the world. 


According to their club information page on Arrowhead’s website, the main goals of this club are to ensure that girls both within our community and in other countries are educated, healthy and safe, this will benefit girl’s future positions as leaders and ensuring that their opinions are counted for. 


This club is a United Nations-sponsored organization, and throughout the year, enables members to coordinate with other Girl Up clubs globally organizing and hosting activities together. If you are interested in joining or have any questions about this club, contact English teacher Jennifer Passler, supervisor of the club.


Girl Up also organizes fundraisers and events to raise money for supporting women in developing countries. Along with fundraising, this group volunteers at women’s shelters across Milwaukee and Waukesha, raises awareness for gender equality throughout middle and high schools, and advocates for the change of unfair laws that will in turn benefit girls’ rights and fund programs for girls all over the nation. 


Ellie Hostetler, Arrowhead senior, said, “Students can contribute by joining the club and participating in our volunteer opportunities while educating themselves, and those around them about STEM, health, leadership, politics, and gender discrimination. There will also be drives to help the women’s shelter that people can participate in, even if they are not part of the club.” 


Kayla Barnes, a senior said, “I wanted to make a difference by activating for girls in our community. I love supporting and uplifting others and I love nothing more than doing so with the girls and women of our community.” 


She said the club is  “a safe, educational, and inspirational space for girls and women.”