AHS Improves the Homecoming Assembly

Spirit week, an assembly, and the homecoming parade and football game—these are the events Arrowhead High School plans in anticipation for the annual homecoming dance. This year, the assembly is going through changes.
One main difference between the previous assemblies and this year is there is not one assembly, but two. The indoor assembly will be at separate times for each of the different campuses. This will occur for South Campus students from 9:00 to 9:40 a.m. in the main gym and from 11:38 to 12:24 p.m. for the North Campus students in North Campus East Gym.
The indoor assembly is run by the Arrowhead Student Senate and has activities that include relay races, a competitive staff versus student basketball game, and a dance off between the different fall sport teams. This assembly is going to be similar to the ones held the previous years.
Ricky Finco, an Arrowhead High School senior, says, “Every year, the staff versus student game is always my favorite thing to watch, but I think it is a good idea there is a new outdoor assembly to help switch things up.”
The outdoor assembly will be held from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the Arrowhead football field. North and South Campus students will attend this assembly together, unlike the indoor one. This assembly involves an organization coming to Arrowhead. They plan to set up over twenty five different fine art career booths that are available for students to visit and gain more information on.
According to Gregg Wieczorek, the Arrowhead High School principal, past schools that have had this organization all raved about the quality of this presentation, along with how well students responded to the booths. Not only will this organization come for free—they are going to leave over $10,000.00 of equipment and merchandise for Arrowhead to keep.
Wieczorek, says, “The second assembly is an opportunity to expose our students to careers in the area of fine arts. The assembly is being provided free of charge by an outside organization.”
To find out more about this event, information is available at http://highschoolnation.org/.