Artificial Intelligence Reaches Peak of Reality

Picture of an HP Laptop.

Artificial intelligence is the development and process of technology having the ability to j,jthink or perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. The process of this has been worked on for years through different tech companies such as Apple who came out with Siri, an application who thinks almost like a human would and has the ability to research anything desired. Google came out with Google Now which is similar and almost the same as Siri. Windows came out with Cortana, also virtually the same as the other too.

The website known as LifeHack described that it seems like there is a far way to go before a complete software is ready for artificial intelligence but it’s really not far away. They say that at the rate as to which technology is progressing, we will experience a form of artificial intelligence in our lifetime.

The core concept of artificial intelligence it to make a computer process information like the human brain would. The computer would have to be as smart or possibly smarter than a human being to be able to process and complete tasks that are commanded. The computer would have to somehow be programmed to feel emotions or at least predict them and have a mind of it’s own, according to LifeHack.

“I think that the thought of this is so incredible. I’ve done some studies and reports about the types of software that would have to be created for artificial intelligence to work in the way we want it too,” says WCTC student, Matt Burgramn. “The thought of a computer that can feel an emotion seems like it’s impossible but I hear that it can be done. It just needs the right programmer. It’s like replicating someone’s brain and putting the information into a computer.”Some companies say A.I. could pose a threat. Companies like Google or IBM are considering possibilities of what might happen when computers are so intelligent that they can even improve themselves to the point where they figure they no longer have a need for any humanity. It’s been seen in movies and will also been seen in real life how computers are taking jobs such as warehouse work for Amazon. In movies such as Terminator, The Matrix, and Chappie, there have been computers that start conflicts.. LifeHack claims that this will not be far from the truth and that it could possibly happen some time in the future.

“I think that the thought that computers would eventually want to end our being on earth is really scary to think about. The reason it’s scary is because of the fact of it happening is totally possible. If there was a computer that was more intelligent than the human mind, it could have feelings and intentions. If the computer had bad intentions, it could hack into a nuclear base and launch almost all missiles and try blowing the world up. Thinking of things like that is really freaky to think about,” says Burgramn

“Thinking about things like this is scary. Computers are getting to the point where they are almost as smart as us. This can change things for the good or the worse. I guess we’ll cross that road when it gets there.” says Waukesha staffing associate Bobbi Bradshaw.

IBM stated that if technology becomes smarter than humanity, it will be able to code it’s own algorithms to cure things such as some forms of cancer. It may take some jobs but it will also give something that people couldn’t think of doing. Computers could be a machine that thinks outside the box, coming up with new ways to do things faster and more efficient for companies.

“I think that if there will be artificial intelligence working for companies in warehouses, it will boost the industry along with the production of goods. It would take people’s jobs but it would do so much for the world.” says Bradshaw. The overall thought of the companies is that the A.I will be a good thing to have in the world. Although it isn’t quite there yet, it will be in almost a matter of years.

An Oxford researcher did research and found that there are computers that are ass smart as us but not in a threatening way. The researcher found that the computers are still limited on what they can do and are only smarter at solving things rather than taking over or overriding systems.