Do High Schools Give Students Enough Freedom?
High School students are not given enough freedom at school. To be excused from a class, a student needs to get a note from their parents, go to the office, explain where they are going and when they are leaving and then the student needs to sign out. The amount of steps are crazy. Students who drive should be able to freely come and go from school. Schools should trust students more.
The tight strains high schools put on students hurt them. In the beginning of college, students are not used to freedom. They are not used to being responsible for themselves and the freedom they are given in college. That is why so many college students end up failing out the first year.
Schools treat students like they are in a prison. They lock students into its cell like classrooms and this doesn’t keep students interested. Schools should give them opportunity to come and go between classes. This would make school feel more like a choice than a prison sentence. If a student knows nothing will be going on at school, they should be able to go home or go to the library to work on homework.
Schools should allow students to have more say in their schedule and times of classes. By allowing students to direct their studies to what they’re interested in they will be more focused. Allowing students to have more choice in when they come to school and when their classes are will help students find a schedule that works for them. Also allowing students to leave school and work on a internship or learn some other place, like a museum, college, or shadowing a person at their work, it would break up the day and make students feel more responsible and excited.
Schools try to find ways to make students more interested in school but what they lack to understand is that students want freedom. High school students don’t want to feel babied and locked up in the classroom. They want to feel like they have the choice in what they do. Then, they will be more motivated to do well.