Students Stress Over AP Exams
As advanced placement testing starts, students get more and more stressed. The week kicked off on Monday, May 5th with AP Chemistry and AP psychology exams and wraps up on Friday, May 15th.
Arrowhead offers eighteen AP classes. Students take advanced placement classes all year to work towards this final exam that will determine if they will get college credit for their class. To get college credits, a student needs to receive a three, four, or five on the exam.
Megan Orlandini, a senior at Mukwonago High School, says, “I am taking AP Psychology and AP Stats AP exams. I took the classes to receive college credit and save money in college classes.”
The weeks leading up to AP exams can be very stressful for students. At Arrowhead students take the final exam for the AP class before the actual AP exam is taken. Many students study weeks in advance to be able to remember all they have learned. Each exam costs about one hundred dollars; but this could save students thousands of dollars down the road when they can take fewer classes in college.
Exams quiz students over a year’s worth of information so students spend lots of time in advance to prepare. Orlandini says she prepares by, “Doing all of the review guides and reading through the information.”
Ashley Banaszak, a junior at Arrowhead, says her advice to a student taking an AP exam next year she is, “Don’t take the worksheets and review packets the teacher gives you. They help you a lot when studying for the AP exam.”
With so many review guides, projects and studying that it takes to prepare for the exams studying for AP exams can be very stressful for students. Orlandini says, “I have slept a total of 10 hours this whole week.”
Banaszak says, “It takes a lot of work throughout the year but in the end it all pays off.”
After taking the AP Psych exam, Banaszak says, “The ap exam was easier than i thought it was going to be. It was easier than the final exam so I feel good about it. I think I will get at least a three.”