Students Stress Over Dreaded Finals

As the dreaded finals week is around the corner, high school students prepare to ace all their exams. Each student is different when preparing for exams. Some people think flashcards work the best, others just read over material, do review guides, study with friends or those students that just don’t study at all. Although students different in how they study one thing remains the same every student feels the stress of finals.

With finals worth fifteen to twenty percent of a student’s grade, the pressure is on to get good grades on the exams.

Delany Pepper, a junior at Arrowhead, says, “I usually don’t get too stressed out over exams but this year for some reason I am really stressed over exams and get these little anxiety attacks over them. I am not stressed about a particular exam because I know if I study enough I can get an A on them I am just worried that I do not have enough time to study.”

Each student differs in where they think the perfect place to study is. There are never more people in Starbucks, with books in hand sucking down a coffee, then during exam week; Pepper says, the best place to study is” my bedroom.”
US News has tips for students going through this stressful time of exams. One of their tips are to, “proportion your study time to how hard the final is likely to be and how well you already know the material.”

Students should not spend too much time on those easy blow off classes and instead spend more time on those hard Ap classes.

Another problem students face with exams is that learning doesn’t stop when exams come around.

Pepper says, “Teachers are still teaching and giving out tests so its just more I have to study for.”

Mary Shanabarger, a junior at Arrowhead, says, “I have so much to study for including exams and almost a test in every class this next week.”

Another helpful tip from US News includes using, “A study guide, sample final, or set of review questions can often furnish questions amazingly close to the actual exam questions.”

Pepper says, “I have somewhat started to prepare for finals. For finals I usually make flashcards and go over each chapter or lesson we learned in the class.”

When taking the exam make sure you work on the exam as long as possible. . Us news says, “That’s never a good thing to do, since there are always problems to be checked over or essays to be added to or proofread. Even making a single correction to a problem, or adding a single point to an essay , can spell the difference between a good grade and a not-so-good grade.”

Then finally the night before the exams, Teen Vogue says  its necessary to sleep “Eight hours is ideal for the night before an exam. It may be tempting to stay up late studying, but remember: you’re going to need energy and focus while you’re taking your exam.”

Although Pepper does not like exams she does admit that ,  “I like exams because they help me learn the information and remember it better. I just don’t like they way we do exams. I would rather get exams over before winter break then have to pick up again on first semester after and have exams three weeks later.

Exams start Tuesday, January 21st and go to Thursday, January 23rd. On Tuesday, there are first, second and third hour exams. Wednesday there are fourth, fifth/ sixth and seventh. Then lastly eighth, ninth, and tenth hour exams are on the last day of exams.  Students then have a long weekend with Friday off to relax and catch up on sleep after exams.