Meet the New Bachelor
The 18th season of The Bachelor premiered Monday, January 6th. This season is following the Juan Pablo on his “journey to find love.” Juan Pablo, originally from Venezuela, was on Desiree’s season of Bachelorette. Juan Pablo was sent home without a rose early on in the season, but he was so beloved by the audience that was called back to be the first Latino bachelor.
The show started off on a great note with Juan Pablo talking about why he wants to be on The Bachelor. Then Pablo introduces us to his adorable daughter Camilla. His cute single dad charm could make any girl in the country fall in love with him.
Then Juan Pablo meets all of his love interest candidates, and although there were a some promising women, there were plenty of duds. For instance, one woman who declares herself, “a Free Spirit” was a complete nut. She wore flowers in her hair and skipped around like she was a little girl in a candy shop. How she got accepted to be on The Bachelor I will never know. It definitely seems that these kind girls are not there to fall in love; but, as a publicity stunt to entertain the audience.
Some other crazy things also went down outside the limo. One girl wore a fake pregnancy belly on her first meeting with Juan Pablo. It was a bit too weird and out of the box for my taste but I guess it set her apart from the others on her quest it got Pablo’s attention. Another girl, actually the first girl to step out of the limo introduced herself then was followed by a long awkward silence that was so uncomfortable that it made me even get embarrassed just by watching.
Although Juan Pablo did find some diamonds in the rough. Pablo gave Sharleen, an opera singer, the first impression rose; although Sharleen said later that she does not feel a lot of chemistry between the two. Poor Juan Pablo! His first rose doesn’t seem to be quite as happily received as he thought.
At the end of the episode was the highly anticipated rose ceremony. There, Juan Pablo picked which girls will stay and who will go home after the first night. The most exciting part of the ceremony was when one girl thought Juan Pablo said “Kiley” when actually he said “Kat.” Both girls stepped forward and Juan Pablo had to correct himself and he embarrassingly apologized. I felt bad for the girl, and what made it even worse was that at the end she was sent home. At the end twenty girls were left standing to fall in love with Juan Pablo.
Last Monday and Sunday’s episode was a great start to kick off Juan Pablo’s season of The Bachelor. We will have to wait and see who was the lucky girl to make it to the end of The Bachelor. Personally I am hoping for Andi, an attorney, or Nikki, a pediatric nurse, to make it to the final week. Although I guess any girl would be good accept the girl who calls herself a “free spirit.”
The Bachelor is on again next Sunday, January 12th and Monday, January 13th where we can see who the lucky lady is that gets the first date with the dreamy Juan Pablo.