Gravity Thrills Audiences with Danger, Speed, and Death

Gravity is a thrilling, space movie starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.  The director of this film is Alfonso Cuarón, an Oscar nominee.  Gravity was released on October 4th, 2012, to theaters in 3D and IMAX.  Gravity earned a worldwide total of $365,560,000.

The movie takes place in space on a shuttle, orbiting around Earth.  They filmed the movie within several years.

Robert Downey Jr. was casted for the part of Matt Kowalsky, Sandra Bullock’s coast star, but he declined being part of the film shortly before filming, so the roll was re-cast to George Clooney.

The movie is about a space team on a shuttle mission.  Debris in space goes off course and heads towards the team, which completely destroys the shuttle.  This part was full of action and kept me intrigued in the character, and learning more about herself now that she lost and find her way home.

Bullock, playing Dr. Ryan Stone, a medical engineer, is separated from the shuttle, along with colleague Matt Kowalsky, Clooney, leaving her completely alone in space.  She is then in space alone— left with only her limited training done while on Earth.  She has to learn to be clam, so her oxygen doesn’t run out and she also has to figure out how she’s going to get back home.

Seeing this movie with friends or family would be a great way to entertain yourself.

While watching the movie, it felt like I was actually a part of it.  I pretended I was in a different world for a few hours and I learned some things about being in space.  The images were spectacular and kept me involved in the film.