South Campus Bathrooms Flood


On Friday, April 29th, the South Campus bathrooms started to flood during 5th hour. The flood was due to a waste line backup in the main sanitary sewer lime. 


Kevin Lipscomb, director of buildings and grounds, says that “blockages like this are the cumulative or sudden introduction of inappropriate items and sanitary hygiene products being flushed into the sanitary sewer line.” 


Principal Adam Kurth sent an email to all staff at 11:08am on Friday. In the email he said,“We have a waste line backup that is affecting all bathrooms in the central core of our south building.” 


Ellie Bognar,  a sophomore, says,“It was really gross, and I thought they were gonna send us home.” 


The following bathrooms were unable to be used for the remainder of the school day: Upstairs bathrooms, Office bathrooms, Staff cubicle bathrooms, Counseling bathrooms, and Heathroom bathrooms. The only bathrooms available were the lunch room bathroom, and the bathrooms located in the 200s hallway, towards the west end of the building. 


Lipscomb says that there was no harm to students due to this incident. He says, “Efforts to close restrooms directly affected by the blockage isolated the incident to the restrooms. We did partially close one corridor for a short period of time until the source of the problem was isolated.”


The corridor Lipscoomb is referring to is the 400s hallway. This hallway was closed during 6th hour, and students were directed to go around the spillage through the library and around the hallway. 


Ava Oleniczak, a sophomore, says, “I was going to lunch and saw the leak, everyone was talking about it the rest of the day.”