Releasing Study Hall Early

Due to issues with safety and efficiency at the North Campus parking lot, juniors and seniors will be able to leave their tenth hour study hall ten minutes before class ends. 


“This is a pilot effort in hopes of improving safety and traffic at the end of the day.  If we find that the impact is not what we were expecting, we will notify you that we are reverting back to the original release expectations,” says Adam Kurth, Arrowhead’s principal. 


While it is allowed by the school, parents may call the school and say their child doesn’t have permission to leave. Kurth also states, “If they do not contact us, you will be excused to leave. They do not have to contact us giving permission.”


With the new policy in effect, there are four main rules in order to maintain this privilege. Students must be quiet, walking, using doors 1, 9, or 17, and immediately leaving the parking lot after dismissal. 


“This is a pilot effort in hopes of improving safety and traffic at the end of the day.  If we find that the impact is not what we were expecting, we will notify you that we are reverting back to the original release expectations,” writes Kurth. 


After school traffic is now reduced by 50-100 cars due to the ten minute difference in dismissal. 


Kurth explains, “while we are aware that to truly remedy this issue, a much larger scale plan would be needed, we also want to take small steps that are within our control to improve flow and safety.”