AP Exam and Testing Weeks

AP exams began Monday, May 3rd, and go through Monday, May 17th. For these two weeks, bells will be turned off at Arrowhead’s North Campus and teachers will let kids out of classes at the appropriate times.


An email was sent out by guidance counselor Angela Rodenkirch to teachers on April 30th, informing them that students involved in AP classes will have to report to their AP tests at 11:40 am. If teachers teach a fifth-hour class they were asked to allow AP students to leave five minutes early to arrive on time for their exam. 


Director of Learning, Sue Casetta, sent an email to AP teachers outlining important information sent out by the College Board regarding AP exams. Some things included in this email: 

  • Students are required to be in person on campus to take the test.
  • There are three administrations of the tests, but the second and third are only used under rare/unlikely circumstances, those being; 
  • “If a student has a serious medical illness or injury that prevents them from being on campus for test day.”
  • “If a student is COVID 19 positive or quarantined as a result of close contact tracing” 
  •  “If a student has a family emergency preventing them from taking the exam on Admin 1 date and time.”
  • “It is strongly advised that the test is taken on the initial test date.” 


Junior Hannah Judge says, “With a mix of finals, projects, homework, and AP exams, these past few weeks have been quite hectic. Looking forward to taking my AP exams soon so that the end of the school year won’t be as crazy.”