2017 Arrowhead Alumni, Joey Self, Studies Engineering at University of Michigan


Joey Self (second from right) and his friends at the Michigan-Wisconsin football game last year.

Joey Self graduated from Arrowhead in 2017 and is currently finishing a Bachelor’s degree at the University of Michigan in Engineering.

Self grew up in Nashotah and attended Lake Country School in elementary and middle school. He said he always wanted to study engineering, even as a middle school student. He said because of this, he had an easy transition to Arrowhead Union High School since he knew which classes he wanted to take.

Self says he is proud of his grades in high school, as they helped him get into the University of Michigan, which was always his goal.

Self says, “My parents and grandpa all attended the University of Michigan so the fandom has run in my family for decades. I grew up a Michigan fan and I’m wearing Michigan gear in almost picture of me growing up. My oldest brother chose to study Mechanical Engineering at Michigan when I was in fifth grade and as I learned more about the amazing experiences he had as a Mechanical Engineer, I decided I’d someday study Mechanical Engineering at Michigan. Now that is exactly what I study along with Business.”

Self says high school grades are important.

He says, “They’re definitely necessary as colleges check to make sure you reach a benchmark; however, they aren’t everything.”

He says grades mean more than intelligence: “Depending on how difficult of a course load you took as well, they can be a great indication of your organization and time-management skills.”

He thinks Arrowhead prepared him well and says, “As an engineer and business student, Arrowhead offered a lot of opportunities to get involved with classes and clubs that pertained to my interests.”

Self joined many clubs at Arrowhead, including “DECA, NHS [National Honor Society], Band, Robotics” among others.

He says, “By being involved in a lot of clubs, I was able to explore a lot of interests I had and narrow down which organizations I should join in college.”

Self says, “In college, I’ve been heavily involved with my co-ed professional business fraternity Phi Gamma Nu which is an organization of about 120 students on campus. Roughly 50% of the students are business majors and the other half are students studying other majors, but have an interest in business. I’m also a member of an organization called MECC Consulting Group. As a Consultant for MECC, I interact with companies all over the country and help solve their problems with a team of five other students. I’ve also been a member of the Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars (MRADS) for the past two years. MRADS is a learning community in which all 120 students complete research projects as freshmen with professors from around campus. We then present our research at a national conference and also at our own symposium at the end of the year. I returned for a second year as a Peer Mentor and also recruit prospective students out of high school.”

Self says today he keeps in contact with Arrowhead classmates. He says, “Not many go to Michigan which makes it hard to keep in touch, but I make an effort to see everyone when I’m home.”

Self says he had many great teachers while he attended high school, but his favorites were Senora Coraggio and Mademoiselle Armour. He says, “They were both incredibly empathetic teachers who truly cared about your understanding of foreign languages.”

“Unfortunately I do not have the time to study my foreign languages (Spanish and French) anymore; however, I have plans to intern in France next summer,” Self says.

State Championship football games are Self’s favorite memories of his time at Arrowhead. He says, “The state championship games were always extremely memorable because they felt like holidays at Arrowhead.”

Self gives this advice to current Arrowhead students: “Explore your interests by checking out different organizations and challenging yourself with AP classes. You’ll never know what you actually want to study in college until you check it out.”