Students Practiced, Spent Time With Family, Studied over Winter Break

Arrowhead students went on winter break on Friday, December 21 and came back on Wednesday, January 2.

Though school was out over break, Arrowhead sports, such as basketball and hockey continued to practice.

Barrin Griffin, an Arrowhead senior and varsity basketball player said, “I got up bright and early every morning for basketball. It wasn’t that bad, though. I love my team.”

Tyler Gouin, an Arrowhead senior and varsity basketball player said, “I think it’s reasonable to have practice over break. We had to stay grinding but obviously we need time to relax too.”

Alex Hepfner, an Arrowhead senior, says, “It was nice to have time off and spend with my family. I spent a lot of time snowboarding too which was fun.”

Many students snowboarded at the ski resort Little Switzerland over break. According to their website, Little Switz is open every day, as long as the weather permits.

Spenser Patterson, an Arrowhead senior says, “I spend most of my time at Switz in the winter. I went like everyday over break.”

Emma Quilter, an Arrowhead senior, went to Florida over the break. She says, “I went to visit my grandparents. My family and I stayed in a resort. I’m just happy that I got to take a break from work and school.”

Many students said they had school work assigned or studying to do over break.

Hepfner said, “Near the end of the break, I started studying pretty hard for my exams coming up in a few weeks. Some of my teachers have already handed out semester review packets so I like to get a head start on those. I also had some math homework that I had to do.”


Quilter said, “When I got back from Florida, I finished an extra credit project and reading a book for modern lit.”

Exams start on Tuesday, January 15th, and end on Thursday the 17th.

Alex Harmelink, an Arrowhead senior said, “I had an American Problems project. I had to read a book and write an essay for my British Lit final, and study for the rest of my exams. It’s nice that we had break before exams because I used that time to get ahead.”