Arrowhead Students Chime in About Walking Out
On March 14th, a month after the South Florida shooting, a walkout is being planned by Women’s March organizers to protest inaction from lawmakers on gun-control legislation. Students that want to participate from every school nationwide will leave their classroom and go outside at 10 a.m. for 17 minutes, one for each person that died.
“I want to participate without getting in trouble,” said Arrowhead senior Kylie Ballmann.
“Nothing will change,” said Arrowhead senior Lucas Cerny.
“This will be a powerful message,” said Arrowhead senior Matthew Cochrane.
On April 20th, another walkout has been planned by Lane Murdock, a high school student from Connecticut. It will mark the 19th year since Columbine. More than 22,000 people have signed a petition, pledging to walkout of their classrooms that day at 10 a.m. for the rest of the day.
“A solid reminder for the NRA,” said Cochrane.
“This won’t change anything either,” said Cerny.
“I don’t know about leaving for the rest of the day,” said Ballmann.
“I will definitely be a part of this,” said Attwell.
These walkouts are happening nationwide. Numerous have already occurred in the South Florida area as well as other states. Each one is to protect weak gun-control laws that are in place, because Cruz in Parkland legally owned an AR-15 style weapon despite being a juvenile.