Students Look Forward to Summer

Students Look Forward to Summer

Students all around Arrowhead can’t seem to stop talking about summer and what they are going to do. According to Summerbreak: The Advantages and Disadvantages found on, “the advantages of having a summer break means no homework or tests, spending more time with friends and family, and a perfect opportunity to go on vacation. The disadvantages consist of getting out of the rhythm of school and for some, boredom. Having all this free time and no school or anything to worry about has left many students bored, but others don’t mind.”

Emily Kadrich, a sophomore at Arrowhead says, “I love summer break. It gives me a lot of time to calm down, relax, and enjoy myself. School is great for the first few months, but as time goes on, I start to really lose track of everything. I’m tired, overworked, and frustrated when I have to go through seven hours of school, go straight to work after, and stay up late studying for a test or two. Summer is a great way to relax and get away from all of that.”

Taking a deeper look at the cons of summer break, in an article written by Laurie Futterman, there is proof that students suffer learning loss over the break. Also, “kids that are already at a high risk of obesity, gain more weight during the summer. Unequal access to summer learning opportunities is the basis of the majority of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth. There is also an unequal access to summer learning opportunities is the basis of the majority of the achievement between lower and higher income youth. And finally, children are less productive.”
Connor Jones, a sophomore at Arrowhead says, “I agree with the cons of summer vacation. It all makes sense and can be a very big problem throughout the US but, I still don’t think those facts make a big enough impact on us as students to make states demand more schooling. I still believe that the positives of summer vacation outweigh the negatives and I am very happy to have summer break.”