Students plan career and academics

January’s Academic and Career Planning Presentation will be a program by North Campus Counselors on “Interpreting PSAT Results.” This is an opportunity for students and parents to pick up the October 2013 PSAT results and listen to counselors give their interpretations of the scores that were received.

The program will be held on Thursday, January 8th, 2015, at the North Campus Theater. There will be two different times that are offered for students and parents to end: 7:15 am to 8.00 am and 7:00pm to 7:45 pm.

If parents and students are not able to attend either of the two sessions, test results of the students will be given to the Junior Study Hall teachers.

When attending the program, students and parents are asked to park in the East Parking Lot Faculty Parking Area, by entering through Door 4; heavy traffic is planning for the morning presentation.

Ricki Galstad, a senior at Arrowhead, says she thinks that offering this presentation to students and their parents is a great way to really plan for the future.

“It’s a great way to get an idea of the school you’re going to and where you’re at with your grades and admission,” says Galstad.

Galstad says she didn’t go to presentation but she wishes she would have.

“I think it would have helped me out a lot when coming up with decisions for college and what I really want to do,” says Galstad.

Colleen Baber, a senior at Arrowhead, says she went to the Career Planning Presentation and enjoyed the information she received from the consolers. Baber attended the morning presentation and says the traffic was busy but was able to make it to the presentation on time.

“When I went my junior year, I was really uneasy about where I wanted to go to school and what I wanted to do with my test scores. The presentation really helped me settle out my information and talk one on one with my mom for what I wanted to do,” says Baber.

Baber says that the consolers were able to talk afterwards one on one with students and she got to clarify questions her and her mom had.

“The interpretations about the scores and mine in general were really helpful. I was able to see where I need improvement and where my strong areas are, it really helped for my senior year,” says Baber.

“I think it’s a great thing that students who are curious about their PSAT scores to attend, it gives you a clear explanation from somebody who knows what they’re talking about,” says Galstad.