Arrowhead’s Theme of the Month: Be Thankful

Arrowhead’s theme this month is to be thankful. Students of Arrowhead High School have hung up post-it signs and posters around the school with inspirational quotes to help remind students to be thankful for what they have.

Some things students encouraging others to be thankful for are family, friends, food to eat, clothing, a healthy body, and more.

Ricki Galstad, a senior at Arrowhead High School, says this month she is going to try and make a difference.

“I want to try and donate to the food drive this year. My family has cleaned out our cabinets and we have so much food that I would like to donate,” says Galstad.

Galstad says she is really thankful to have had four years of high school at Arrowhead and said she is looking forward to her future.

On Wednesday, November 26th, students will have no school due to Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 27th.

Galstad says she is having Thanksgiving at her house this year with her whole family.

“There’s nothing more I look forward to than being with my family on Thanksgiving and spending time with all my cousins,” says Galstad.

Morgan Merbeth, a senior at Arrowhead, says her whole family goes to her grandparents house for Thanksgiving and they all make their meal together.

“All of my family brings the food over to my grandparent’s house and we make it right before we eat so it’s fresh,” says Merbeth.

Merbeth says she looks forward to watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on television in the morning.

“It’s basically a tradition every year to watch that on the television. I wake up and have a hot cup of coffee and watch it with my siblings. It’s something to look forward to every year for me,” says Merbeth.

Galstad says last year she went to Chicago for Thanksgiving and she went shopping and got to see a parade.

“I love the holidays. It’s always the time where I can be with my family and also spend time with my friends,” says Galstad.