What Makes a Good Teacher?

Most Arrowhead students have been in a public school for at least nine years, and have experienced good and bad teaching. There are many qualities students can pick as a good quality for their ideal teacher. Arrowhead provides students with a variety of teachers, each with their own personality and way of educating.

Arrowhead sophomore Jalayah Webster says, “In elementary school, I had a teacher who was really involved with everything in and out of school, which I think is a good quality because it’s really inspiring I think for the students and other teachers.”

According to the Wisconsin Education Counsil website some qualities a good teacher should have is that the teacher knows the subject, understands kids learn differently, knows how to manage a classroom, is a good communicator, and is able to evaluate the students and him or herself.  These are important qualities every teacher should have to create a well rounded learning environment for students.

Emma Frazier, a sophomore at Arrowhead, said, “A good teacher listens to his or her students, forgives and makes sure no child gets left behind in their lessons.”

Frazier remembers when she was in kindergarten and took a stuffed unicorn from her teacher and kept it for a whole year. When her teacher found out she forgave her.

Kaylie Funk a sophomore says, “I think a good quality for a teacher to have is respect for students, because I know respect is a big thing in classrooms but it should work both ways with the student and the teacher.”