What Makes My Garbage Man Special

I woke up this morning smelling this last month’s dinners: fish tacos and brats and sauerkraut. I opened my curtains only to see my neighbor’s last two weeks of trash piled by the curb. The worst part is the curb is where I have to wait for the bus. Okay, the truth is, this not my reality; I have garbage men to take my trash away each week that I don’t have to smell last month’s dinner first thing in the morning. People that take away our garbage have an important role in our community and should be appreciated more.

I wonder how our community would look if we didn’t have garbage men? I imagine our community would look disgusting. I feel that there would be trash everywhere, it would stink, and it wouldn’t be really unsanitary. One week in our cafeteria would look like a whole year’s worth of locker garbage. Our winter streets would have piles of trash on top of piles of snow. Our hospital, which should be the most sanitary and safe, will end up looking like a war zone where we dodge infected needles and blood. Perhaps worst of all would be our shopping malls. Talk about not having a place to park; think about having to find where every other spot is taken up by garbage.

If you think about it, garbage men have a big role in our community. They come around your neighborhood once a week, and pick up gross trash. The weather might be really bad, and have to wake up really early, but garbage men still have to wake up and do their job.

Being a garbage man is very gross and I give them a lot of credit for doing what they do and having to smell thing they probably wouldn’t want to smell on their daily job. I couldn’t even imagine working that job. Thinking every morning I have to get up very early to take away peoples trash.