Who Is My Garbage Collector To Me?

Who is the stinkiest person you know? Do you respect him/her? Well I do, and the stinkiest people I know are my garbage collectors. Many people tend to not realize the amount of work that the garbage collectors do for our community. In my city, the garbage collectors come every Friday at 6 A.M.. The collectors have to work in many different weather conditions and do it with a smile. The jobs that they have to do include the following: picking up trash, making sure that regular garbage is not mixed with recycling and moving heavy objects.

By them collecting our trash weekly, it helps to maintain a healthier lifestyle in our neighborhoods. If they did not pick up our trash then our options for disposing of trash would be the following: creating holes in our yards and burning as much of it as possible or using community trash cans. These options require more work and effort, and reduce job opportunities for the unemployed. As you can see, without our garbage collectors, life would not be as easy as it is now.

An average garbage collectors salary is about $43,000 a year. This salary is an appropriate amount because these guys deal with forces of nature such as working in rain, snow and sleet. And let’s not forget the smell. The reek of dirty diapers and rotting eggs is far from pleasant, especially after stewing in the sun on a hot day. Even if sanitation engineers eventually get used to the smell, it probably doesn’t make them smell the best when they get home. This makes working as a garbage collector not the most appealing job, making the level of appreciation for our garbage collectors much higher.

My garbage collectors work extremely hard and are very respectable. They have never left trash behind in my yard, whereas in past neighborhoods I have lived in, they would tend to leave trash behind and not do the clean up job very well. This gives me many more reasons to feel respect for the collectors. Simple ways to show some appreciation would be to tell them thank you if you run into them, write letters to the local garbage company, and call into the garbage company and tell them thank you for the awesome things they do.

The most interesting part of a garbage collector’s job is how much perseverance it takes. Think about this job for one moment. Waking up at 4 A.M., in rain, snow, and extreme heat, then collecting trash for up to 8/x hours. The job in snow, as you could imagine, would be much more difficult. However, the job in heat is just as difficult as well, the collectors have to make sure to drink a lot of liquids so they do not have the chance of passing out, due to overheating. So here you can see that there is not only mental preparation for their days at work, but also as physical prepared.

The collectors also have to make sure to stay in shape. They have to be able to lift up to 50 pounds on a daily basis, meaning they have to lift at a gym or an in home exercise area. While a garbage collector may be smelly, they are probably quite muscular and in shape. Although the job may be messy, it is not all bad for the collectors.

So I have come to the conclusion that my garbage collectors are my role models. The collectors show hard working ambition every day. From now on, I will begin thinking of the wonders a garbage collector does. I will also begin writing to my local garbage collector companies thanking the collectors for all their hard work that improves our community.

