What Time do Students Come to School?


The Arrowhead North Campus parking lot, where students build up traffic every morning, each waiting to park.

South Campus Arrowhead students pile in the doors as the clock reaches 7:20. The parking fills with cars from 6:45 – 7:30 AM, with students rushing to get to class.

According to a survey involving 20 South Campus students, the average time sophomores show up to school is [roughly] 7:12, which leaves eight minutes to get in the school, gather everything together, and make it to their classroom. The time that students at South Campus come to school varies. Students, like Derek Luetke, a sophomore at Arrowhead High School, show up at 6:50. Some students, on the other-hand, show up at 7:20, like Harry Smith, a sophomore at Arrowhead High School.

“It’s my dad’s fault,” says Smith. He is one of the many South Campus students who rely on their parents to bring them to school. “When I show up late to class, the teacher asks me random questions about the conversation that I missed. It’s very embarrassing.”

Students can receive saturday detentions after three (or four, depending on the class) tardies to class.

“It’s not fair,” says Sidney Heinitz, a sophomore at Arrowhead High School. “If I can’t drive, I’m not the one who decides when I get to school.”

The difference in the times North Campus students come to school, compared to the South Campus students is clear. 20 North Campus students are asked what time they arrive at school, the average time between all the students is 7:16, which leaves the North Campus students 14 minutes till class starts.

FSO, or Flexible Scheduling Option, is for North Campus students to take in the mornings, or at the end of school that acts as a study hall, but doesn’t require students to be at school for the class.

“I have FSO and sometimes it is hard to keep track of which day is which, whether it is an A day or a B day,” says Tanner Parbs, senior at Arrowhead high school who has FSO in the mornings.

According to the Arrowhead Student Handbook ( http://www.arrowheadschools.org/cms_files/resources/FSO%202016-2017.pdf.) In order to be eligible for FSO, you must fall under the required grade point average, the required grades, and also have a certain number of credits. The amount of credits needed to be eligible is what holds South Campus students back from applying for FSO.

Many students argue that FSO should be available at south campus as well, especially Zach McCluskey, sophomore at Arrowhead. “[FSO] would be so nice for me and my family. Both my parents work in the morning, and they don’t have to be there till like 8:00[AM], so they really don’t like driving me to school at 7:00[AM], just to drive back home after.”