On March 20 and March 21, Arrowhead administered a Wisconsin-required Pre ACT test to all freshmen.
The Pre ACT is a summative assessment that measures what students have learned in the areas of English, Reading, Math and Science.
Freshman Ava Fidalgo says, “It was really long, strenuous, and seemingly tedious because colleges won’t look at it.”
According to PrincetoneReview.com, colleges that look at the Pre Act tests include Boston College (MA), Adelphi University (NY), Bridgewater College (VA), DePaul University (IL), Lawrence University (WI), among others.
On March 20, from 7:20 to 10:40 a.m., freshmen and sophomores with last names A-K tested.
On March 21, from 7:20-10:40 a.m., freshmen and sophomores with last names L-Z took the test.
Students who were not testing had a late start—10:40 a.m. for South campus, 10:50 a.m. for North campus.
Both test days were “B” day schedules.
Freshman Mason Craford says, “They are long and kinda boring but they are useful so I don’t mind them too much.”
According to https://dpi.wi.gov/assessment/PreACT/data, “State testing data will be released publicly in WISEdash in the Fall.” More information can be found on the PreACT Secure FAQ.