Arrowhead Teachers also have summer breaks with different plans and activities. Lasting from early June to early September.
Teacher Jennifer Brown says she was very busy with her son’s graduation and helping him move into college. When she wasn’t busy with that, she says she went up north with her family.
“One of the things I really enjoy during the summer is taking my bike to some of the paved trails around the area,” said Brown, recalling her adventures.
While others were out and about, English teacher Terri Carnell says she was taking it easy breezy, staying home, relaxing with family, and trying new meals.
Carnell says, “I tried to make our food from scratch; homemade pizza with lots of vegetables, orange chicken, and barbecued ribs were my favorites.”
When asked about his summer, teacher Tim Tower said, “I had a pretty laid back summer, traveled a little bit around the state visiting friends and family…I also went to several brewers games as well as the state fair and got a fantastic corn dog!”