Senior Graduation Party

On the final day of school for seniors, June 2nd, there will be a senior party from 9:00 PM to 1:30 AM the following day, June 3rd. The latest students can arrive is 9:30 PM and are not allowed to leave until 1:30 AM. It will be held in the North Campus Commons. 


Tickets will range from $55 to $75 depending on the time purchased (if purchased before April 30th the cost is 55; if purchased after April 30th but before May 20th the cost is $65; if purchased after May 20th the cost will be $75) and can be bought online or in person at the NC front office, but it is noted there will be a $2.50 service fee. Regardless of the kind of payment, students will have to take the permission slip to the office along with their payment. 


Recently, the permission slip and invitation was sent out to all senior parents regarding the graduation party. Students are asked to hand in the permission slip that was mailed and the money needed to the front office if they wish to do so in person, if not, the payment can be sent online. 


The goal of the party, according to the Arrowhead Webpage, is to, “honor their graduates with an all-night drug and alcohol-free party” and “give the students an opportunity to celebrate their educational accomplishments in a safe and drug-free environment.”


“I think it’s an okay idea. I don’t know if many people will go, though,” said senior Trinity Luce-Comeau.


Senior Ella Miller says “I don’t really understand the price.”


On the invitation, it states the party will have a hypnotist, Paul Knight, casino games, raffle prizes, and inflatables for entertainment while serving food and drinks. 


The next day, June 3rd, will be graduation, starting at 7:00 PM at Arrowhead’s Stadium. Though the party runs late, and some may find it a deterrent, many students feel this won’t be a problem,


“The day will be busy, but I think it’s part of the experience of graduating, so I’ll participate,” senior Chloe Maple said.