Juniors and Seniors Battle in a “TP War”
This week, a pre-homecoming tradition “TP Wars” is taking place between Juniors and Seniors in the Arrowhead district. For seven days, upperclassmen go head-to-head to see which class can TP more houses. This tradition is not sponsored by Arrowhead, but instead hosted by the upperclassmen. More information can be found through the gators on their Instagram, @ahsgators2023.
This is similar to “Nerf Wars”, which is a spring tradition that only seniors take part in.
Rules for TP wars are determined by the seniors participating. Some of these rules include: no vandalism (eggs, spray paint, etc.), no helping the opposing side, drive safely and don’t cause chaos.
On Monday night, over 70 seniors and 40 juniors went out and hit over 10 different houses. More than 150 rolls of toilet paper were used on the homes according to senior Kennedy Mann. Upperclassmen went to local stores to buy the rolls in bulk, costing about $15 for a 24-pack.
The Village of Hartland Police Department is aware of the wars, and as School Resource Officer Matt Vanderboom stated in an email sent out to parents, as long as there is no vandalism, reckless driving, or disorderly conduct, there should be no problem.
“I’ve never seen this many people from all different friend groups work together,” said senior Jesus Hernandez.
After Monday night, many students wanted to end the wars after becoming more chaotic than planned, but the rest of the week, students went out again.
“I hope this stays a tradition at Arrowhead,” said senior Madison Fintel.