Start Off Senior Year With Virtual College Essay Workshop

The Virtual College Essay Workshop is a way for Arrowhead seniors to improve their college essays. This is happening August 8, 9, 10, and 11, 2022. Students are given two time options: 7:30-10:20 am or 10:20-1:30 pm.


If students attend all four sessions, they will receive a quarter credit. This will be happening via Zoom. 


Students will be given time to plan, draft, write, share and receive feedback from multiple teachers and students. Seniors will learn how to write a college essay. Students will go through and read past examples to help them get a better understanding of what college admissions officers are looking for. 


Junior Camila Coronado says, “All I am thinking about is college. I have only a few weeks left of my junior year and in a few months I’ll be applying to colleges. I’m excited to attend the workshop this summer to improve my writing skills. I have a draft of my essay already and I can’t wait to hear what teachers and other students have to say.”


Students sign up for the College Essay Workshop on Skyward for their desired time (7:30-10:30 am or 10:30-1:30 pm). Students will then be added to a Canvas course and they can see their hour-by-hour schedule. Students are able to flip between the two times without a penalty. 


Senior Anna Tweeden attended the workshop virtually last year and she said, “I remember it being helpful; it’s always nice to get another set of eyes on something like your college essay.”  


If students have any questions contact English teachers Elizabeth Jorgensen, Terri Carnell, and Becca McCann.