Senior Profile: Sylvan Millevolte

Sylvan Millevolte is an Arrowhead senior and he says he is very excited to start the second semester. 


Millevolte is committed to attending University of Wisconsin-Madison, for the fall 2022 semester. His current major is undecided. Millevolte applied to Madison, and University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.


At Arrowhead, Millevolte is a part of NHS (national honor society) as the co-president. He is also a part of the marching band, he plays the flute, and is the senior representative for the Arrowhead Way Committee.


The Arrowhead Way committee is a group of four elected students, one from each grade, as well as staff members that come together once a month to discuss matters like improving the school environment, helping to promote spirit days, brainstorming that pushes for better environment, planning Wings, and encouraging anti-bullying. 


Outside of school, Millevolte enjoys spending time with friends, attending church at Saint Charles, volunteering, playing music, playing the drum set in Jazz Band, learning guitar, skating and playing hockey on ponds.


He said, “My schedule is much more relaxed. I am able to pull much more enjoyment out of my classes now that my college is already planned for me. I am also excited for more of the social aspect this semester.”


With graduation coming up on June 4th, Millevolte says, “I’m not exactly looking forward to graduation because high school is more comfortable, my parents still cook for me, I still have my friends, and it will be quite uncomfortable to not have that when I graduate. While I am looking forward to the aspect of graduating and moving forward, I am not looking forward to leaving it.”