Warhawk Manufacturing hosts a spring sale

Warhawk Manufacturing is producing spring and yard items for staff, students and the community. The Warhawk Manufacturing students have researched, designed and produced products to be sold on the Warhawk Manufacturing website: Warhawk Manufacturing


Some of the items that are being sold in the Warhawk Manufacturing spring sale are Shamrock Spinners for $10.00, Wooden Easter Bunnies for $4.00 and Easter Eggs for $3.00.


The Warhawk Manufacturing students created the Warhawk Manufacturing spring sale with some guidance from the teachers.


Anthony Christian, the AHS Warhawk Manufacturing advisor says the Warhawk Manufacturing spring sales items will be made to order and sold on their website: Warhawk Manufacturing.


The Warhawk Manufacturing spring sale was created to be able to generate work and revenue for the Warhawk Manufacturing scholarships. 


Christian said, “Students use planning and schedules to complete orders in a reasonable fashion. Tools like excel, calendars, estimators and design software like Autodesk Inventor.” 


Christian says that every item has its own process, some of the items  go through the metal fabrication lab where it is cut on the plasma CNC welded and assembled. Other items are made in the woods manufacturing lab where they are processed and completed for customers.