2021 “Mask-querade” Prom

2021 prom is approaching with a twist. This year’s prom event is called a “Mask-quarade.”  


Due to covid restrictions and regulations, changes were made to the usual prom. An email was sent out to Arrowhead staff by Tamara Varsos which outlined this year’s prom event, and the changes made to ensure safety as well as upholding a high school tradition notably since last year’s prom was canceled. 


Rather than the usual prom at the Ingleside Hotel, this year it is a senior-only prom held completely outside on the football field. As of right now, the scheduled date is Friday, May 21 and a rain date is Saturday, May 22. 


Some activities and aspects of this year’s prom listed in the email from Tamara Varsos to staff were, “…DJ, tailgate-style games, concessions, photo booths, and end the night with an outdoor movie.” 


Students will be required to wear masks and will be expected to get dinner before arriving at school for the dance. A waiver is also required to be signed by students before attending with clear guidelines regarding mask-wearing and social distancing. 


Senior Morgan Oestreich says, “I am excited to be able to go to prom, but it will definitely be different than what I expected.”