If You Ask, You Shall Receive: The Truth Behind Getting What You Want
“…and then I met Leonardo Dicaprio,” my cousin said.
My favorite movie star—Jack from Titanic. Gatsby himself. And those words came out of my cousin’s mouth.
She lived my dream. What girl doesn’t want to meet Leonardo Dicaprio? But the real question is how did she even accomplish it?
Well, this summer she had interned with a personal stylist in Los Angeles. So she was in the right place to meet a star. But, as she went on, she explained the Law of Attraction. Popular among New Age thinkers, this Universal law states that “Like attracts Like.” Simply put, my cousin said, my thoughts become my reality. Positive thoughts lead to a positive reality, and thoughts about Leo lead to the best day of your entire life.
The basics of it make sense. Obviously if you think happy thoughts, you’ll be happy. And conversely, if you’re always a pessimist—even only inside your own head—more likely than not, you’ll live a negative life. But this law is more than just something that could make sense. It has been proven scientifically.
According to GoodVibesClinic.com, Quantum physics, the study of small particles, is what gives us a data driven explanation of the Law of Attraction. In layman’s terms, there is a quark—or vibrating string—in each cell throughout our bodies. But through your thoughts and choice, you can cause that string to fly out into the universe and attract strings with similar vibrations. A certain vibration is quite literally a magnet to all strings with vibrations like it. Once a critical mass of these strings is reached, whatever “it” is, manifests. This is how you manifest your own reality.
It’s not magic or voodoo. It’s your own thoughts becoming your reality. And the stepping stone to accomplishing your reality is visualization. If you want something, think about it. Picture yourself attaining it. My cousin thought about how much she wanted to meet her favorite movie star—and I mean really thought about it—and low and behold, it happened.
So really, there’s no such thing as “inevitability.” Because you are the one that controls your life and what happens in it. Start thinking about what you want because if you ask, you shall receive.