Additional Asynchronous Learning Day’s
On December tenth, an email was sent out by Arrowhead superintendent Laura Myrah, stating there will now be two asynchronous learning days per month.
The change from one day per month starts on January eighth. These virtual learning days will be on the first and third Fridays going through May.
These extra asynchronous learning days were approved by Arrowhead’s school board.
Between January and May, there will be five added asynchronous days to help students and teachers catch up on projects, assignments, grading, professional development, and planning.
Although students aren’t attending school in person on asynchronous days, they are still able to meet and check-in with their teachers during teacher’s “open office hours” which helps give teachers and students a chance to touch base or go over anything that might need to be discussed.
The office hours on ansynchonus fridays are between 40 and 60 minutes, below is a list of the suggested time windows for each department:
Social Studies 8-9 am
English 9-10 am
Science 10-11am
Math 11-12 am
Performance Departments 12-1
CTE Departments and World Language Departments 1-2
According to the email, it was said that “most feedback regarding Asynchronous Virtual Learning Days has been positive.”
Junior, Nick Catania said, “I find the extra asynchronous days to be really helpful, not only for catching up on school work but also for student’s mental health.”